What is TEWL or Trans Epidermal Water Loss?

TEWL stands for Trans Epidermal Water Loss. And this is a measure of how much water that escapes from our skin. Thus this is a measure of how healthy our skin barrier is.
A healthy intact barrier is able to keep water in the skin and therefore the TEWL would be low.
A compromised barrier would tend to lose water via evaporation and the TEWL would be high.
Your skin barrier is skin’s uppermost layer the stratum corneum -- acts as a skin barrier and is your body’s first line of defense and keeps water in to prevent you from dehydrating.
Your skin barrier It’s made up of cells called corneocytes that act as bricks. These bricks are tightly bound, or glued together, by mortar-like fats such as ceramides, cholesterol, and fatty acids.
A compromised barrier can be caused by wind, indoor heating, aggressive cleansing and over-using active ingredients.
Protect your barrier and minimize TEWL by using moisturizers that are rich in lipids, ceramides and glycerin like BeautyStat’s Universal Pro-Bio Moisture Boost Cream moisturizer.
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– Dawn Santamarina, Managing Editor
You can follow Dawn on Instagram @missdawn1012
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